It took me a little while to figure out she had left me. It wasn't until after I showered and got ready to go out to my workshop, that I realized.
I've been pretty lost the past couple of days! I carry my cell phone with me always and I keep looking out toward the fence and gates, imagining her coming home!
I'm not sure whether she's coming back, we got along GREAT and she seemed so genuinely comfortable here. Geez. My 2 dogs and the cat are moping, too. They're not stupid. I'm super bummed...:(:(:(
My beloved Border Collie, Jazz, is MIA....the tag on her collar has my phone number...a reasonable person would call me...She's a really old dog, my least favorite from a personality standpoint. She adopted me outside my gate when I arrived home from work, back in 1997 at the end of my long driveway, in Helotes. A week and a half later, she had 6 puppies. Someone had obviously dumped her. People suck.
She's never known how to play ball or tug-of-war with the other dogs. I think she was just so occupied with existing that she was deprived of playing. She's emotionally needy. But a GREAT DOG (I'm faaking BALLING now)who DID fit in with everyone!
Sporting fresh haircuts, Jazz on the left, Tessie on the right:
The remaining doggies, Tessie the Border Collie, and Mackie the American Bulldog are plenty bummed...we 4 just RAISE HELL every evening (plenty during the day, too)! Mackie and Tessie are the circus that gets Jazz jealously barking at them and even entering into the fray. They know I'm bummed and they're figuring out that we're one dog light around here....I better go get them RILED and raising hell so we can keep up the tradition...The remaining dogs, Tessie and Mack:
Just stopped by to check in. Man what a bad deal. I can vouch for this feeling just like when my kids disappear. Crummy deal. Put the word out and being such a friendly dog, someone is likely to have her handy with no idea where she belongs. Hope she is home soon.
The last couple of nights, I've been going outside a couple of times during the night to see if she's found her way home, nope. She'll not do well hunting for food and is probably not doing well right now. Poor dog, it's not looking good. Totally uncharacteristic for her to split. I've left the gate open all day, many tendency for the dogs to wander off. :(:(:(
That's terrible! :( I know how I'd feel if Nick-O went missing. Hope she turns up!
I hope that little sweetie shows back up!
Here's hoping she turns up soon none the worse for wear.
Thanks for the well-wishes, guys. It's been a week, not in the cards! She's either found a new home, someone who didn't bother to call the number on her tag, or she's moved on. I don't think she would do well fending for herself in the wilderness. I may never know where she went. :(:(:(
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