The dogs were truly freaked by the whole thing until I got them corralled into my closet, deep within the house. And the fireworks weren't just next door. All around my house sounded like a war zone. Fun time, nobody got arrested or had to go to the hospital/morgue.

Saturday, I invited my friends(Click on aforementioned "friends" link to see her blog) to join me at 3 Palms Extreme Sports Park for a day of motorcycle riding. CLICK on the photos for full size, great pics, thanks!
Typically when I ride alone, I show up early in the day (before the rowdy FAST kids show up) and ride for 45 minutes to an hour. That's plenty of workout, trust me! Saturday, we stayed for 5 hours. I taught their kids how to ride and also gave the lady a ride on the front of my brutal red Honda. Out in a field, I nailed the throttle and wheelied a good bit. I did this a number of times, but kept asking her, "are we cool?"....she never screamed to stop, so I showed her the fantastic acceleration of a modern motocross bike. (where's my 'freaked out' emoticon?). And the acceleration is even much harder with only one person on the bike.
As Elisharose explained in her blog (funny account of the day's fun, CLICK on the link to see her rendition of the event, funny), I taught her daughter to ride. I also gave her daughter a ride on the Red Thunder to demonstrate what it's like on the big bike. Then I proceeded to teach her how to ride the little Honda Z-50. (Coincidentally, the very first bike I ever rode was a Honda Z-50 MiniTrail, back in 1968) She has her very own Pink helmet and was styling! She didn't want to get off of the bike! Too funny! Too cute!
Great fun it was. Everybody is ready to go again. The boy is shopping for a bike....with a clutch. Seems to be healed from the ego bruise and ready to go. I suffered less than expected and am grateful. So, I like the daughter have same sentiment as when she was wheelieing at 60mph....Whooohoo!
About time you updated this thing!!!!
L: Why don't you guys save your money and apply those funds to MX park admission. I've got a deal for you: I've got an XR-80 that would be PERFECT for Bubba! Come and get it! In return, for its use, you can do a valve job (I'll help you if needed, been a Honda wrench since I was a little kid) and just generally improve the deal...
Tiny Frog: I enjoyed reading about your Hashing experience. I've considered, but the hashers are really strange folks, their humor is lost on me, I don't get it! ;)
You should try the hashing! And yeah, no rest for me in the summer. NYC marathon is November 2nd. I dont have time to waste!
I graciously accept invitations. Wink. ;)
Hey Evan :) nice to meet ya!
motocross bikes look scary cool...I used to ride BMX back when I was a kid- I was the only girl at the track!! I used to be pretty fearless on a bike. Too bad I lost most of that and had to relearn to ride my road bike comfortably!!
My only "motocycle" experience was wrecking my mother's (yes, my mother's) Honda 70 when I was about 10 years old. I ended up with grass in my gums where my teeth should have been. Luckily they were not permanent teeth!
Hi Evan, this is YD, nice to meet you too(from Elisharose).Handshake back.
Sounds like a fun weekend for you guys. I'm sure Julie "aged" a whole lot after that weekend excitement! :)
I've gotten a lot of traffic from your blog. You have quite a few readers!
Hey, the kids and I are heading north for a quick visit. Take care of Lar while we're gone.
Tiggs, too bad you crashed your mom's bike...crashing's SO MUCH FUN up to the point of crashing, then it turns bad quickly! There's a BMX track right next door to the MX track (I-45 at FM 1488, just a tad north of The Woodlands)...I've been eyeing it up! I'll bet it would be a fantastic workout! Just what I need, ANOTHER hobby!! :):):)
So you were a tomboy, eh?! Love it!
hey dude. Looks like you're having a great time with the MX.
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