Saturday, May 30, 2009

So this Facebook thing showed up...

I got sucked into the facebook deal with invitations. Whoopee! I don't get it. I don't know what to do with fb. I don't care that you're going to Starbucks or that you are working late. Maybe you're someone I knew in junior high school or high school. Maybe that's cool to touch base and say howdy. But if we didn't hang out as friends back then, what's the attraction now?

And fb has wiped out blogging that occurred before fb was prevalent. There were some kick ass blogs that I used to keep up, those bloggers have just kinda disappeared. And this blog has also been neglected.

But it's not all bad. I have met some cool people in the local running community! But I just don't know what to do with fb.

And twitter. What the hell is that? So now I'm supposed to get a little phone with a full freaking keyboard and write real-time about my Starbucks frappa-latte WHILE I'm driving down the road. Oh good grief. Not just no! I'll never twitter, tweet, or text...just forget it!


Membership Required said...

fb rules. It doesn't take the place of my blog but I heart me some reconnection time with old friends. This is the best way to stay up with what is going on even if it is silly at times. Twitter, haven't done that yet but would have to say when I get a hip new phone it will be on the list of to do's. BUT I am anti texting when driving!!!!

Evan Guy said...

How about the grocery store? I can't walk through the f**king grocery store and not hafta move over to avoid someone who is TYPING while walking down an aisle of the f**king GROCERY STORE....unreal, shaking head....

Adrienne Langelier, MA said...

I've been resisting facebook for a while for various reasons...I still think blogging is superior. And I am beginning to feel old-school because of it!

curt said...

i will resist booking and tweeting until my last breath! the only friends i had in high school are STILL my friends and i can call them on the phone anytime. incredible waste of time!

Evan Guy said...

Amen Adrienne, amen Curt! Don't do it!

K said...

Love FB... took me over a year to figure out why I would want to use it though... I have twitter, but not sure why. I find it kind of annoying most of the time, but I still have an account nonetheless. I had never text much before a month ago, but now, with my new handy-dandy blackberry, I'm hooked. Yes, blogging is down a bit, but I probably needed to turn it down a notch anyway.
I'm still trying to figure out which I like best, and somedays I consider giving it ALL up, but then I get that little "ding" on my blackberry and I am sucked back in again! LOL

Evan Guy said...

I ain't do'in it.