I traveled to the Bill Crews Remission Run on Saturday. It was the first year for this fantastic event. I didn't see too many spoilers in my age group, other than the ultra fast Jacob Mazone. I figured maybe I could earn some bling, take home a prize. It was a tough course and my fortitude wasn't strong late in the game.

I thought about leaving before the awards presentation, but resisted. The time I came in 1st place in Masters' division, I wasn't there for the award. It's anti-climactic for the organizers to give out awards to people who aren't even there! So I stayed. I scored 3rd Place in the 40-50 division! I won a heart-warming book, written by Dana-Susan Crews that told of Bill's winning battle over cancer! Thanks! I'm so glad I stayed!
Sunday, I went running with The Woodlands Running Club and had a great 7.5 mile run and met a couple of folks while running. Good times!
I went home, worked a bunch more, then showered and went to Brenham to deliver a new computer to my mentor, Glenn. Super cool guy that I met in 1986. He's an engineer's engineer, truly a bad-ass when it comes to R&D of internal-combustion engines, among many other things! Over the years, Glenn has kept me pointed in (mostly) the right direction. But he hasn't been too generous with the 'atta-boy's'. I'll show him some neat stuff and he compliments my effort, but will often provide a little additional suggestion. JUST ENOUGH to have me striving for higher career performance and seeking his approval! Good stuff!
Anyway, his computer was probably 20 years old. I got him "tuned up" with a modern Dell from eBay for $150. Since my work was done for the day and I've been on a quest to "take back my weekends", I was actually not too hurried when I visited. That's rare! After several hours I was suddenly in a hurry!
I had MORE socializing to do, Superbowl Party! Quite the sociable guy yesterday. At the party, I hung out for almost 4 hours, not particularly in a hurry. Rare.
Fun party:
My friend Curt built this really cool table:
Party animal! Man about town:
seems you are TRULY committed to having a good time on the weekends, you workaholic! nice job, great to see you sunday,and for a sporting event, no less! i'm so proud. and it seems i have arrived, got my picture on Ev's blog!!!
Does he sell those tables! Those are awesome!
Too bad my dang achilles kept me out for last Sat.!
Well schucks, I dunno! He did mention that the effort was much greater than just building the table. He had to drink ALL that beer to get the bottle caps. Factored into the whole equation, I'd say that's an expensive table! I'll forward this link to him and we'll see what he says! :)
thanks to Adrienne for the complement on the table! Sorry, that is one of a kind, but when you get something you want to decorate or preserve, you can cover it with a two-part epoxy coating called Enviro-Tex Lite that finishes hard and clear. you can get it at art supply stores.
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