I made a huge mistake taking my beloved Border Collie, Tessie, to the Run The Woodlands race yesterday. As usual, I took her tennis ball and she played fetch with the kids who were at the event. She just loves going to the RTW event every 2 weeks! And everyone really likes the dog and many comment on how gregarious and well behaved she is. Top pic is Tessie waiting for the ball to be thrown....crazy dog!
Well, she played fetch with a young girl for 15-20 minutes before the race. It didn't occur to me to give her water before the race. We started running and she was beside me about halfway through the race. This is unusual because she's typically ahead of me and wanting to run faster. By the end of the race she was lagging behind and in fact slowing me down. I started to worry about heat-stroke near the end. I think she might have been close to having a really bad day! My BAD! Next time, I'll thin out her coat a good bit with doggie clippers and put a water dish in front of her before we run....I'll cut out the tennis ball (she gets LOTS of ball throwing at home). If she has a tough time next time, I'll slow down and get her some water. It's not like I'm gonna win the race anyway. I ran a 24:11 and am pleased. Tessie ran a 24:15 (that's HUMOR folks! At the dog's expense! The ONLY time I'll ever beat this dog!...HUMOR!! The dog lives well today!)...
I also had the pleasure of meeting Karen, who was kind enough to introduce herself. She enjoyed a PR of 25:58 yesterday, despite the tough conditions! Way to go, Lady! As always Bill, Kris, Mick and the others from Luke's did a great job of putting on a memorable event, THANKS!

This weekend is a BIG weekend at the Motocross Track, so it's quite crowded. Gates opened at 9am on Saturday. So right after the RTW race, I watered the dog then bolted home to grab the dirtbike and bolted to the track for some EXCELLENT riding. The idea was to get there before it got too crowded. MX is a young man's sport, I'm scared of getting run over by the extremely fast young guys! The track owners had pushed some dirt around and combined the Main Track with the River Track! Talk about a long lap! The riding was superb! WooHoo!! Some days it feels great, sometimes it doesn't. Yesterday was a fabulous day....I was pretty whooped for the rest of the day, no shortage of stuff going on!
Last pic, added for Jacob...very bad form, arms out-stretched, way back on the bike, poor form, cool picture....:):):)
The pics of MX are all old...the red bike being months ago, the others, much older...looks the same as if I did it yesterday, though...I don't have current pics, I'll grab some soon.....but the old pics DO set the tone for the discussion, eh?!! :):)

Jacob wants to know if that is you on the green bike.
Poor Tessie. Don't kill her before I get a chance to meet her!
Hey Jules, yeah, that's me, a long time ago....that was a little bitty KX-100...I'm now riding the CR-250 (different track, requires much more power and size to get through the deep sandy stuff)...I added one more pic just for Jacob...Ev...:):)
It was so great to meet you, Evan. And of course Tessie! She is a sweet, sweet dog. I'll share my water anytime with her!
Are you running the David run Saturday?
K, this is the first I've heard of this. OK, I found the info on the run. Are you challenging me to show up?? If so, then you're on! I just LOVE my weekend runs/races! I was about to suggest that RTW is too infrequent! You're on! And Tess will be fired up to run a great race!
I'm registered, but since you finshed at least a minute ahead of me on my best time ever, I don't know how much of a "Challenge" I'd be... LOL
But if you need a challenge to show up, then consider this it!!
you might want to check about bringing Tessie. This is a run that may not allow them on the course. It will probably be way too hot to leave her in the car.
I haven't seen anything that says dogs aren't allowed....the only time I've had a problem was with the Conroe YMCA run...We'll be there...
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